Benefits of Post Operative Recovery
Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) massage can be important after surgery because it can help with:
Healing: MLD can help the body reabsorb fluid, which can speed up healing and recovery, forming an earlier realization of results.
Swelling: MLD can reduce swelling and bruising, which can help patients feel more comfortable.
Pain: MLD can help relieve pain and discomfort.
Scarring: MLD can help minimize the appearance of scars.
Immune response: MLD can improve the immune response, which can help reduce the risk of infection.
Blood circulation: MLD can improve blood circulation.
MLD is often recommended after cosmetic procedures like liposuction, breast surgeries, abdominoplasty, and massive weight loss procedures. The lymphatic system is a network of tissues that helps the body fight infection and remove waste. After surgery, the lymphatic channels in the skin can be disrupted, so MLD can help improve the lymphatic system's ability to function.
Why is MLD beneficial before surgery ?
A lymphatic drainage massage (MLD) before surgery can help prepare your body for the procedure and reduce the risk of complications.
How I Work
As soon as you have your surgery date, you should book a free consultation with me to discuss the details of your surgery, and book in your sessions. It’s vitality important to start your recovery 48 hours after surgery. By pre booking, you are guaranteed to have your session when they are needed.
I work in pre booked blocks, and by doing this i can deliver your sessions intensively within the first two weeks of surgery. This will help you recover quickly, and reduce risk of fibrosis and enhance your results.
Recommended protocols for the face and body are a minimum of 5 sessions. The length of your session will be 1 hour minimum, but for patients who have undergone multiple areas of surgery, a longer session will be needed. Each package is tailored for each individual.
Advice from top surgeons are as follows.
Arms - 5 sessions
Flanks- 5-10 sessions
Abdomen 5-10 sessions
Thighs 5-10 sessions
Multiple areas will overwhelm the body, therefore packages of 10 sessions is a must.