My biggest frustration is that primary lymphoedema is very rarely recognised or diagnosed by a general practitioner. Unfortunately, there is no service provided for primary lymphoedema diagnosis.
Primary lymphedema may be inherited. Occurs when your lymph vessels are unable to adequately drain lymph fluid, usually from an arm or leg.
The lymphatic system is a network of channels and a lymph-node’s throughout the body that helps fight infection and remove excess fluid.
Primary lymphedema begins at the base of the limb, secondary lymphoedema occurs at the source of the operation or infection.
At first, swelling may come and go. It may get worse during the day and go down Overnight. Without treatment, it will usually become more severe and persistent.
Symptoms in the affected body parts can include;
an aching heavy feeling
difficulty with movement
repeated skin infections,
hard tight skin
folds developing in the skin,
water like growths developing on the skin
fluid leaking through the skin
MLD is effective in helping to reduce the swelling. MLD treatments will help alleviate some of the symptoms. Usually bandaging is advised to help decongest the limb and then compression garments are prescribed. I like to encourage my client to be as proactive as possible in managing their lymphoedema.
Body brushing, exercise, Epsom salts, essential oils, kinesio tape, nutrition – all these together help in the management of lymphoedema.
Secondary lymphedema is usually associated with cancer and having lymph-nodes removed.
Compromises to the lymphatic system can be due to tumors causing blockages in the lymphatic pathways, the removal of lymph-node’s, radiation or chemo therapy.
MLD can help with both lymphedema prevention and management. Education about what to look for and what to do if you experience any of the signs and symptoms of lymphedema is vital for all cancer patients.
I am more than happy to teach my clients self lymphatic drainage (SLD ) techniques & exercises to help keep their pathways open.
Statistics about the probability of getting lymphoedema post cancer surgery varies as it is often under-reported or not diagnosed, especially of the lymphedema presents 5 years or more post surgery.
Mld therapists are trained to re-direct the fluid to another pathway (another part of the body). Repeated Mld encourages the body to form new pathways & encourages fluid in superficial areas to flow in the right direction. This is why it’s vital that you find a therapist who is fully trained & qualified in Mld.
Mld stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. This system reduces blood pressure, slows down your heart rate ,relaxes you and reduces inflammation.
Long-term stress has a direct impact on lymphedema.